Transform Your Prediabetes Podcast

Episode 4: The Pillars of Transformation Part 2

Are you really thriving, or merely just trying to survive?

When you are in survival mode…that essentially means that you are living in a constant state of stress. And it’s the accumulation of stress in the body, that pushes it into chaos.

Especially because you have blood sugar issues, stress can definitely make it go up and send a signal inside your body to hold onto belly fat…because it thinks you could die.

I want to preface this by saying a little bit of stress is a normal part of life and can actually make us more productive in the things that we need to get done.

However, if you tend to be in stress mode a lot…even low levels of stress, you may start to feel the negative effects of it. Which can show up as stomach problems, recurrent infections, high blood pressure, higher than normal pulse, insomnia, depression, and there’s so much more.

So as your blood sugar is rising, and the weight on the scale is going up, what you need to know is that stress may be playing a major role in that.

And of course you can reverse the negative effects of stress, and it starts with learning how to chill and build unstoppable resilience.

Hope you enjoy the podcast!

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Thanks so much for stopping by!
