Overcoming Your Obstacles to Move

Overcoming Your Obstacles to Move

Are you stuck in a comfort zone of moving your body just enough…to get through the day. Maybe you are avoiding doing the things that trigger pain or discomfort. It may hurt to walk, bend, or get down on the floor and get back up. Maybe you hurt yourself...
The Pillars of Transformation Part 4

The Pillars of Transformation Part 4

Most of the women that I talk to, exercise just so that they can lose weight. And it totally works!! —for as long as they kept doing it. But in my experience this strategy leads women down the dark path of gaining their weight back, and when they get into their 50’s,...
Becoming a Circadian Master

Becoming a Circadian Master

More specifically, how you can become a circadian master. A circadian master is someone who is in sync and aligns their daily actions with the rise and fall of the sun, which promotes  deep, restful, and restorative sleep. Deep sleep gives the body time to...